February 2024
FORSYTH, Georgia – Some of the best loggers don’t always come from logging, but find their way to it the long way around. Case in point: Hugh “Trip” Glidewell the Third, 41, is the owner of G3 Timber, LLC. His nickname, Trip (he doesn’t go by Hugh), came from the word triple, because he is the third Hugh Glidewell: “Talce the ‘le’ off triple and you have Trip,” he explains. His company name originates from similarly witty thinking G3 denotes Glidewell the Third, or Triple.
Inside This Issue
COVER: G3's Trip Glidewell Soars In Georgia
FORSYTH, Georgia – Before getting into logging, Georgia’s “Trip” Glidewell grew up in a family of bankers and lawyers. He considered and studied for other careers in agriculture and earth moving while in college in Wyoming. Once he discovered logging back home in Georgia, though, he found his life’s true calling. After obtaining a fores try degree from Auburn University, Trip worked for other loggers and then started his own company, G3 Timber, seven years ago. He now fields three crews with trucking and fuelwood chipping components.
Article by David Abbott, Managing Editor, Southern Loggin’ Times
On New Year’s Day, both Alabama and Texas lost their College Football Playoff games, meaning that a week later, Monday the 8th, we had to settle for a Michigan vs. Washington championship game.
Article by David Abbott, Managing Editor, Southern Loggin’ Times
It has been a late winter. Cold nights persist, even while the calendar moves steadily in the direction of spring. In the swamp, it is the best time of the year. The winged creatures of torment are still asleep.
Excerpted from Trees, Traps, and Truth, Bradley Antill, author
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Third and Long
Article by David Abbott, Managing Editor, Southern Loggin’ Times
FORSYTH, Georgia – Some of the best loggers don’t always come from logging, but find their way to it the long way around. Case in point: Hugh “Trip” Glidewell the Third, 41, is the owner of G3 Timber, LLC. His nickname, Trip (he doesn’t go by Hugh), came from the word triple, because he is the third Hugh Glidewell: “Talce the ‘le’ off triple and you have Trip,” he explains. His company name originates from similarly witty thinking G3 denotes Glidewell the Third, or Triple.
Not unlike how Glidewell left his birth name Hugh behind to embrace his Trip identity, he also branched out from his family’s roots on the journey to find his own path in life. He didn’t grow up with a logging background at all; his dad was a lawyer and his stepdad was a banker. The closest his upbringing brought him to contact with the timber industry was the fact that his step family owns a good bit of property in Jasper County, granting him some exposure to managing timber, albeit not the logging side of it. “I had some knowledge, but not a lot,” he reflects. Still, this was one of the things in the back of his mind when he chose his career: “I could help them manage that timber,” he figured.
Notably, Glidewell says his family was always 100% supportive of his career choice. “No matter what I chose to do, they encouraged me to follow my dreams and gave me the opportunity to do so through education,” he says gratefully. “And if they didn’t give me the opportunity I wouldn’t be where I’m at. There have never been any limitations on me or my siblings as far as what we wanted to do.”

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