
Aaron Street Recognized As FRA’s Appalachian Region Outstanding Logger




The Forest Resources Assn. (FRA) has honored Aaron Street of Aaron Street Logging from Sinks Grove, WV, as the 2024 Appalachian Region Outstanding Logger Award winner at FRA’s 2024 Joint Appalachian & Southeastern Region/Forest Products Security Group Fall Meeting held in Greensboro, NC. Bill Dempsey, Area Manager with Weyerhaeuser and Chair of FRA’s Appalachian Region Steering Committee, presented Street with an engraved cherry and black walnut hardwood cross-cut saw award.

The FRA Outstanding Logger Awards, sponsored by Stihl, Inc., presented Street and his family with a $500 check along with a voucher for a Stihl MS 462 saw as part of the award package. Street graciously accepted the award for his family and the entire Aaron Street Logging team.

Aaron Street Logging, founded by Street in 2005, has grown into a fully mechanized operation, specializing in selective harvesting, hardwood thinnings, and clear-cuts. Annually, they produce 2,000,000 BF of sawlogs and 35,000 tons of pulpwood and other products. Most of their work is on commercially owned timberland in West Virginia.

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