BACKGROUND: At a Pacific Northwest mill, a chip truck tractor was about to be detached from its trailer so the trailer could be tipped at the chip dump.
PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The chip truck driver had 10 years of experience and was considered fully trained, both in chip truck operation and in the mill’s standard operating procedures. The driver was wearing safety glasses, hearing protection, and hard hat as required.
UNSAFE ACT OR CONDITION: The driver was evidently in a hurry to unload, due to the backup of trucks waiting in line. When his turn came, he did not shut the engine off or place the transmission in park. In addition, it later became evident that the truck brakes were not adjusted properly.
ACCIDENT: The trailer brakes had been essentially the only means holding the entire unit on the dump. Once the operator disconnected the trailer from the truck, the tractor was not secure and slowly rolled away, crossing the heavily used central area of the yard.
INJURY: Fortunately, no one was injured.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTION: OSHA’s logging rule stipulates that “before the operator leaves the vehicle’s cab, the vehicle brake locks or parking brakes shall be applied; the transmission placed in park.”
- The mill is investigating installation of some form of physical structure to prevent a “roll off.”
- The mill will hold meetings with all trucking companies on a regular basis to reinforce knowledge of the standard operating procedures (SOP) for unloading chips.
- An SOP checklist will be prepared and presented to each driver.
- Proper brake maintenance is a must – for on-highway and off-highway safety.
Courtesy of the Forest Resources Association: