The North Carolina Agromedicine Institute, the Carolina Loggers Association (CLA), and the North Carolina Forestry Association (NCFA) are working together to create a series of social media posts to help keep loggers safe.
Dr. Robin Tutor Marcom, director of NC Agromedicine Institute, explains, ”COVID-19 presents a unique challenge for us to come together for the sake of all by each individually doing our part to prevent its spread. Fighting an invisible enemy like COVID19 requires that everyone is vigilant at all times in all places to prevent its spread – practicing social distancing, using good hygiene practices and heeding the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other health organizations.”
“By the nature of the logging business, our loggers are generally working far apart from each other in the woods. These tools are meant to raise awareness about daily activities in the workplace that may present a risk for contracting the virus, such as carpooling and gathering around the water cooler during breaks,” says Ewell Smith, CLA executive director. “Our loggers are essential to harvest the wood used for much needed products, such as toilet paper, boxes, medical supplies, sanitized wipes, etc.”
Dr. John Hatcher, executive director of NCFA, adds, “We encourage everyone in the forest products industry to take the necessary precautions to prevent COVID-19. At the end of the day, each person’s role is so important to keeping the business moving forward and our rural communities and families safe.”