BACKGROUND: A log truck driver was driving his loaded truck one day in the South. Weather was not a factor in the accident.
PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The 40-year-old truck driver was in good health.|
UNSAFE ACT OR CONDITION: According to a subsequent Department of Motor Vehicles inspection, the truck had 13 equipment violations, one of which was out-of-adjustment trailer brakes.
ACCIDENT: The logging truck’s brakes malfunctioned as it was making a right turn. The truck’s load shifted, and the truck turned over onto its left side, spilling logs onto the road.
INJURY: The truck driver was taken to a local hospital where he was treated for minor injuries and released.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTION: Log truck drivers and truck owners must regularly inspect and properly maintain their trucks and trailers. Professional log truck drivers are responsible drivers. They do not place unsafe trucks in service on the roads. All truck and trailer features necessary for safe operation-tires, brakes, fluids, hoses, connections, linkages, lights, horns, kingpin, fifth wheels, etc.-should be thoroughly inspected at least once a day. Safe drivers now conduct quick walk-around inspections prior to each trip they make. Necessary service or repairs must be completed prior to putting the truck in service.
Courtesy of the Forest Resources Association: