
Logging Safety


Thank you to the Forest Resources Association and TEAM Safe Trucking for supplying these articles on logging and trucking safety.



High Risk While Securing A Load

High Risk While Securing A Load

BACKGROUND: On a clear spring day in the Appalachians, a timber harvesting operation was actively working. The loader operator was engaged in loading a tractor-trailer with two bunks of 20′ pulpwood. The first bunk was loaded, and the loader…

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Felled Tree Strikes Crew Cab Truck

Felled Tree Strikes Crew Cab Truck

BACKGROUND: On a summer morning in the Southeastern U.S., a crew cab truck transporting three logging company employees was traveling to the deck to begin their shift. Conditions were clear that day and weather was not a contributing factor…

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Logging Equipment Loss Due To Fire

Logging Equipment Loss Due To Fire

BACKGROUND: On a logging job in the Lake States Region during February, an operator of harvesting equipment had blown a hydraulic hose. He called for assistance from a skidder operator for a tow to the landing where the equipment could be repaired….

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