
Logging Safety


Thank you to the Forest Resources Association and TEAM Safe Trucking for supplying these articles on logging and trucking safety.



Log Truck Runs Into Back Of Another Log Truck

Log Truck Runs Into Back Of Another Log Truck

BACKGROUND: Two loaded log trucks from the same logging company were loaded with treelength pulpwood that had overhanging logs. The two drivers were taking their load to the same mill in the southern U.S., so they traveled together. The weather was clear and sunny....

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Heat Exhaustion On A Hot Summer Afternoon

Heat Exhaustion On A Hot Summer Afternoon

Background: On a summer afternoon in the southern U.S., a forest technician had finished painting a streamside management zone line and walked back to his pickup truck. It was a hot, humid day with a heat index reaching 106 degrees by mid- to late afternoon. PERSONAL...

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