The American Forest Foundation (AFF) recently awarded Prairie View A&M University a two-year grant to implement the Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention (SFLR) Program in Texas. The $310,000 grant will allow Prairie View A&M University’s...
Hurricane Laura Packs Louisiana Punch Loggers and landowners in Louisiana experienced a year’s worth of timber harvests overnight as more than 758,000 acres of timberland were badly damaged by Hurricane Laura in late August. That includes more...
Effingham Pellets, a subsidiary of Charles Ingram Lumber Co., plans to invest $5.4 million to establish a wood pellet operation in Florence County, SC that will produce and supply wood pellets for export sale to Europe. “We are excited to begin operations in...
Wednesday, August 26, viewers of the Republican National Convention, perhaps hoping to see Vice President Pence or iconic football coach/analyst (and noted master of elocution and enunciation) Lou Holtz speak, instead had a pleasant surprise. A representative of the...
New dates for the 2021 Mid-South Forestry Equipment Show will be September 17-18, according to John Auel, Show Manager. Founded in 1984, the biennial event was canceled this year due to concerns about COVID-19. Pre-registration will open June 6, 2021....
Ring Power Corp. announced an agreement with Weiler Forestry, Inc. to become the authorized dealer of Weiler Forestry equipment in north and central Florida. With this agreement, Ring Power will distribute and provide parts and service support for Weiler’s full line...