Apr 10, 2012 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: A driver was waiting for his truck to be loaded at the log deck on a summer morning in the Southeast. The driver had previously made adjustments to his truck’s clutch, and he decided to continue working on it while waiting for equipment to clear the...
Apr 10, 2012 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: The owner-operator of a tractor-trailer log truck in the Northeast was having his truck loaded with tree-length wood. It was a fall day, clear and cool. Weather was not a factor. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The driver had over 5 years of experience and was...
Apr 10, 2012 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: On a fall day in the South, a logging crew foreman was cleaning tools. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The 19-year-old crew foreman had been employed in logging for approximately one year. A third-generation logger, he was considered “logging knowledgeable.” His...
Apr 9, 2012 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: On a late summer afternoon in the South, a forester was checking harvest contract compliance at a logging operation. Weather conditions were good. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The experienced forester was in his 50s. He was not wearing any personal protective...
Apr 9, 2012 | Logging Safety
Barber-Chair Tree Kills Logger BACKGROUND: A logging crew member was hand-felling a sawtimber-sized tree on a late fall afternoon in the Southeastern U.S. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The crew member was approximately 40 years old and had been...
Apr 9, 2012 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: A logger was felling hardwood timber on an early spring day in the Northeast. Weather was not a factor in the incident. A skidder operator was also working on the same site. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The logger, in his late 30s, had worked in the woods for...