Aug 2, 2017 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: Walls built from interlocking concrete blocks, often called “ecology blocks” are commonly used in agriculture, construction, and wood manufacturing industries. They are dry-stacked to create walls and outdoor storage bins for a wide variety of products....
Aug 2, 2017 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: On a winter afternoon in the Appalachians, a timber cutter was felling hardwood timber with a chain saw. The terrain was fairly level, but there were several inches of snow on the ground and a dense understory of beech trees and brush. PERSONAL...
Aug 2, 2017 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: On a summer morning in the Appalachians, a timber cutter was manually felling timber in a partial harvest of a mature hardwood stand. The terrain was fairly level, and logging conditions were good. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The twenty-year-old timber...
Aug 2, 2017 | Logging Safety
Overloaded Log Truck Traveling Too Fast BACKGROUND: In the late morning of a fall day in the Southeast, a log truck was traveling through town on the way to deliver a load of (random-length, double-bunked) pulpwood to a mill. The weather was mild...
Aug 2, 2017 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: On a clear summer morning in the South, a timber cruiser was attempting to cross a drainage ditch. The ditch was located in a fairly level hardwood bottom with a sparse understory. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The self-employed timber cruiser had over 35...
Aug 2, 2017 | Logging Safety
BACKGROUND: On a calm, clear, late spring morning in the Appalachians, a logger was cutting the top of a felled oak tree. He was working in gently rolling terrain in an open stand of mature hardwoods. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: The 40-year-old logging business...