Aug 19, 2016 | News, News/PR
Southern U.S. forests are uniquely positioned to be a part of the solution to the world’s ever-increasing need for renewable energy, and international policymakers are beginning to recognize it. It’s precisely that reason why I traveled to Montpellier, France, last...
Aug 10, 2016 | News, News/PR
For decades, generating electricity has been all about boiling water. Typically, you can boil water by burning coal, oil or natural gas or even through a nuclear reaction using uranium. That steam turns a turbine which turns a generator creating our electricity. On a...
Jul 6, 2016 | News, News/PR
Harvesting wood debris from areas that have been clear-cut of timber does not affect the animals that live there, according to a study from researchers at N.C. State University. Chris Moorman, a professor of forestry and environmental resources, and his students spent...
Mar 18, 2016 | News, News/PR
From: Southern Loggin’ Times Staff A week after an insolvency court in Germany initiated proceedings against the assets of German Pellets GmbH, one of German Pellets’ affiliate wood pellet operations in the U.S., Louisiana Pellets (also German Pellets...
Dec 11, 2015 | News, News/PR
The world’s largest wood pellet fuel manufacturer Enviva Holdings, established $5 million, 10-year program that it says is designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia. It will also help...