Sponsored Content: The BARKO Loader Skills Competition 2024
The BARKO Loader Skills Competition, conducted as part of the annual BARKO trade show tour, held the final competition of 2024 at the GLTPA Logging Congress in Green Bay, WI in September. The skill level, competitive atmosphere and the return of perennial favorites made the event a riveting show for spectators and competitors alike.
The BARKO Loader skills Champion at this year’s GLTPA Logging Congress Eric Zeller (Manistique, MI) reacted with a broad smile and, holding his right hand over his heart and turning to the crowd gathered in the bleachers: “Now, that was awesome! And STRESSFUL!”
Indeed, the BARKO Loader Skills Contest attracts the most talented, skillful and, yes, graceful machine operators.
“The contest rewards finesse as much, or more, than pure speed,” said Parnell Thill, Marketing Director at BARKO. “In the woods, these operators are required to do good work, not just a fast work.”
“That’s for sure,” remarked Runner-up, Russ Meyers (Wausaukee, WI) when I started running in this contest, I was all about hurrying and worrying about the clock. After a couple times of going fast, but sloppy, I figured out that taking the time to be intentional—the same way I am in the woods—made all the difference…I’ll be back next year to claim the top spot!”
Over hearing this exchange, Third Place winner, Gerald Dugree (Hermansville, MI) couldn’t help himself, adding, “Well, next year is just around the corner and I intend to actually practice this game on the regular, so look out, everyone!”
With this, the fans in the bleachers applauded and hooted their approval, while other competitors swallowed their pride and cheered along, one fully seasoned logger summing it up.
“Well, it ain’t exactly the Olympics, but damn it can get your blood goin!”
Finally, Thill expressed his satisfaction with this year’s event cycle and the final Loader Skills Competition of the calendar year, concluding “This year’s been great. …And, as always, next year will be better.”
Pictured are the Champion, Eric Zeller (Manistique, MI), Runner-Up, Russ Meyers (Wausaukee, WI), and Third Place winners, Gerald Dugree (Hermansville, MI).
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